Carolyn Finch
1945-2024 -
Tommy Pierce
1969-2024 -
Ronald Douglas, Sr.
1946-2024 -
Amanda Kelley
1985-2024 -
Judith Bates
1939-2024 -
Carrie Stallard
1946-2024 -
David Marksberry
1953-2024 -
Mary Miller
1933-2024 -
Raymond Walker
1939-2024 -
Jefferson Smith, IV
1953-2024 -
Dwight "Buzz" Meyers
1934-2024 -
Leigh Schade
1946-2024 -
Marshall Richards
1947-2024 -
John Long
1957-2024 -
Joe Hale
1938-2024 -
Edward Spaulding
1931-2024 -
Charles McGuire
1943-2024 -
Mary McKinney
1954-2024 -
Cindy Howard
1958-2024 -
Darrel Gottler
1955-2024 -
Steven Smith
1984-2024 -
Robert "Bobby" Gould
1940-2024 -
Benjamin "Benny" Tompkins
1949-2024 -
Mary Weymouth
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