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Marc Reed Pessin

August 10th, 1946 - March 15th, 2018

“A hui kaua, malama pono e mana’o nahenahe ” “Until we meet again, take care and sweet dreams” Marc Pessin passed away on March 15, 2018, in Hillsboro, Oregon, after a long illness. He was 71. He is survived by his wife Denese Pessin of Scappoose, Oregon, his sons Gavin Reed Io’Kepa and Garrett Andrew Io’Ane of Hawaii, and his stepchildren Cindy Flores, Aiesha Rider, Eric Morrill (deceased), and Marshall Morrill of Oregon. Marc was born on August 10th, 1946, in Vancouver, Washington. Shortly after, his family moved to Long Beach, California where Marc grew to adulthood. In Southern California Marc developed a love of the ocean. It was there too that he became an avid motorcycle enthusiast. Both loves stayed with him for the rest of his life. In his late 20’s he moved to Oahu, Hawaii, and married his first wife Kerry Jenkins. Together they had two sons, Gavin (Kepa) and Garrett (Ane). In 1980 Marc moved to Winston, Oregon. There he began working passionately on behalf of individuals with intellectual disabilities.He served as a residential manager in both Douglas and Washington counties. Later, Marc worked as a case manager with the Washington County Developmental Disabilities Program, in Hillsboro, Oregon, and he retired after 13 years. Marc’s caring and compassion were traits felt by all who knew him. Marc was well respected, and well loved, by those he worked with and by those he served. A very spiritual man, Marc was passionate about nature, the environment, and animals. His love of animals led him to work at Sea Life Park, a marine mammal, bird sanctuary, and aquarium, on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. After moving to Oregon Marc again worked with animals at Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon. During Marc’s time at Washington County he met, and fell in love with, Denese Morrill (Pessin). The two married and lived in their rural home in Scappoose, Oregon. This was always Marc’s dream; living in nature, by a creek, in the woods. Marc and Denese felt blessed to blend their two families. Together the two shared 6 children, 17 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. Marc and Denese took many amazing journeys together. They travelled all over Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, California, Washington, and Canada. Many of their adventures took place on the back of Marc’s beloved Harley Davidson. No mere words can sum up the life and meaning of any human being. Marc was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, and friend. He believed in living simply, doing no harm, and loving people for who they were. He was a very gentle, kind, soul who will be horribly missed. A celebration of life for Marc will be determined at a later date.

We Entrusted Marc Pessin's Care To

Crown Cremation Services - Tualatin

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Crown Cremation Services in Tualatin has been a trusted partner in end-of-life arrangements for over 30 years. Our commitment is to simplify, make it convenient, and ensure affordability for Tualatin families during challenging times. With 30 years of dedicated service to our community, we deeply understand the importance of providing compassionate care.

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Tom Niemann

16 years ago Marc became our Case Manager. His physical appearance--big guy, beard, pony tail, Harley Davidson rider--seemed to suggest his name might be "Smokey". The real Marc that came through was a man with a tender, tender heart. When he spoke with our residents it was always with genuine, respectful interest, as if they were the only person in the world at that time. He was like an affectionate brother who with light humor and compassion could see the whole person and love them warts and all. He celebrated each individual. He walked the thin line of advocating for protection of residents and scrupulous support for their individual rights. As a Case Manager he was professional without losing his or our resident's humanity. He was especially adept at navigating the shoals of a bureaucracy that is occassionally forgetful regarding just who it is supposedly serving. Marc had a profound sense of justice and incidentally, a marvelous b.s. detector. It was during his monthly visits to our group home that I really got to know him. To summarize: He was a hoot! He had this wonderfully, dry sense of humor that would sometimes land later--stealth sarcasm bombs. He had a kind of sidelong look, with a slight smile that indicated someone was dancing on the edge of foolishness. (Thanks Marc for rescuing me from me.) He had a depth that his under the radar demeanor seemed to belie. First and foremost, were those he loved. He was proud of his sons for the right reasons, that they are good, loving and compassionate men. Then there is Denese, the love of his life. He counted her as his great blessing. Marc was an honorable man who found his own way and stayed true to it--an advocate for the disadvantaged, vulnerable and disabled, including four legged friends. He was unassuming though multi-talented--Harley mechanic, carpenter, musician, including viola, for heaven's sake! Oh yeah, and there was the whole fostering a cheetah in his home for two years when he worked at Wildlife Safari! In his final months I was profoundly moved by his courage and wisdom in facing his personal horizon. Instead of bemoaning his fate he embraced his now. I love you Marc. The world, my life are diminished because you are gone.

Published January 4th, 2024

Julie MacLeod

Candle lit by Julie MacLeod The world cries today. How will we find our way? We have lost a friend so dear. Never again his laugh will we hear. He was a man with a heart so true. His kindness and compassion touched all who he knew. He was a rock, strong with virtue and grace, With love of life, adventure, and family to embrace. Marc, my friend, you will be missed. The loss we feel, I cannot dismiss. I will not say farewell; but I can say good-night Until one day, I too see the light.

Published January 4th, 2024

Rich Garcia

Marc, There are so many things that I will miss about you. Your drive to do right, and advocate for others, which was truly inspiring. Your sense of humor. And that booming guttural laugh that dared others not to laugh along! Rest in peace. You are missed by many.

Published January 4th, 2024

Heidi Hartman

Marc may you rest in peace without pain and visit your loved ones in their dreams. You will be greatly missed. Much love to you and your family.

Published January 4th, 2024

Dana Kalnins

Mark I’m so blessed and thankful to of been part of your life. You are the most kind , gentle, funny, and genuine person I’ve ever been so lucky to have known. I have so many great memories of you .Hope you and my dad are together talking about old times.I love you and you will always be in my heart, and never forgotten. Thank you! Rest In Peace my dear dear friend/family!

Published January 4th, 2024

Tony Rasmussen

Marc I love you and I’ll miss you, thank you for loving and taking care of my sister all these years.

Published January 4th, 2024

Rik Mayfield

What is Life, It is the flash of a Firefly in the night. It is the breath of the buffalo in the wintertime It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the Sunset. Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior 1830-1890 Life is short, but it is how we live our lives that makes our spirit live on in the people we leave behind. Marc was my friend and he will be in my heart and memories.

Published January 4th, 2024


Marc, I always enjoyed your sense of humor. Your mentorship and friendship were truly appreciated. You always brought joy and laughter to every meeting or gathering, and you are deeply missed.

Published January 4th, 2024

Malissa Nielson

Where ever you are Marc - I hope each day is sunny enough to ride your motorcycle! You will be missed more than you know!

Published January 4th, 2024

Tamara Tobey

Life is meant to be lived and you will be known by your fruit. Marc by all counts leaves behind good fruit to continue to flourish. I light this candle for Denese who will carry on the journey.

Published January 4th, 2024

Jerusalem Temesgen

Rest In Peace gentle soul, I also had a previlrdge of witnessing your caring heart with a mutual client. God bless your family, Love always

Published January 4th, 2024

Greg Jenkins

It was very good knowing Mark and seeing him over the years interact and enjoy his family the way he did. He was a good man, honest, and always fun to be around. He will be greatly missed in this life but I look forward to a happy reunion when we meet again as free souls.

Published January 4th, 2024

Staff at Autumn Funerals, Cremation & Burial

Our sincere condolences.

Published January 4th, 2024

Araceli Sandoval

My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family and that God will comfort you on your loss. So blessed to have the honor to know you and see what a big heart you have and to get the chance to share many stories was a true blessing. You will be missed dearly.

Published January 4th, 2024

Sherry Wiren

You were the best person I had the pleasure of getting to know and work with. I will truly miss you. RIP

Published January 4th, 2024

Richard Thompson

The finest friend a man could want. Marc was humble, kind and a good listener. Marc was my friend, and I am so blessed to have had him in my life. We rode motorcycles, camped under the open sky and told stories. I won't ever forget you buddy.

Published January 4th, 2024

Brett Wheeler

I didn't get a chance to meet you but you were clearly loved by many.

Published January 4th, 2024

Dana Kalnins

I’m so thankful and blessed to have been part of your life. You are the most amazing, smart, funny, kind, and genuine person I have ever met. You are forever in my heart and mind. I imagine you and my dad are doing lots of catching up. Love you, and I will always keep your beautiful wife safe and be there for her. Rest In Peace you wonderful soul.

Published January 4th, 2024

Sharon and Tim Marberry

We always really appreciated you for your kind, thoughtful and gentle ways. You were my son Timothy’s service coordinator for several years. You were a strong advocate, and always ready to hear of any way to you could to help. You were the best advocate we could have had . You will be sorely missed and your honor, kindness, and gentleness will not be forgotten! Rest In Peace!

Published January 4th, 2024

Tracy Fox

It was an honor and privilege to share a few miles along life's journey with Marc. His intelligence, humor and kindness showed through in every encounter I had with him. On the eve of his retirement I discovered a shared interested in the love of the written word. He told me he had been buying books for years and now he would get a chance to read them. I said he should pack up a book hop on his Harley and drive somewhere beautiful like Trillium Lake and spend the afternoon reading. I had such a happy smile at the thought of that. I wish you had more time my friend.

Published January 4th, 2024


It was an honor to share time with you & I feel blessed to have been accepted into your family. We will all miss your inner peace and know that we were blessed to share space with your beautiful energy for as long as you could hold it here with us. Through your trials and tribulations, your perspective and wisdom were refined to near perfection. I aspire to continue in my quest for lifelong education so that I may share with those we love as you have. Just as I told you during our last conversation when you told me you may be a short timer here with us, I love you my dear friend. You did very well while here with us. Thank you & safe travels.

Published January 4th, 2024

Gavin Reed Iokepa Pessin

My father has been the most influential man in my entire life. From the earliest memories I can recall, my father took pride in his sons, he would never hesitate to inform others that his greatest accomplishment in life has always been his two boys. Yet his capacity to give and receive love did not end there, as his beloved wife, best friend, "partner in crime", and soul mate, Denese would undoubtedly confirm. Far from ending there, his love and guidance and ability to make you feel as though you were the most important person in the room extended to his stepchildren and many grandchildren, as well as his friends, co-workers, and the countless numbers of intellectually challenged adults that benifitted from his compassion as an advocate for them. Marc, my father, mentor, and best friend always challenged me to strive to be the greatest version of myself. Aligning one's beliefs and words with their actions was held as his highest virtue of humanity, to which he accomplished time and time again in his life. "Say what you mean, and mean what you say..." he would often quote, and rightly so, taught me to be virtuous, effective in communication, and diligent to honoring my intentions. "I don't know isn't an answer" he would remind me, "There is an answer and solution to every mystery life can throw at you!" which led me to become a resourceful, strong, independent man that I can say I am proud to be. I could write volumes and still just barely graze the surface of wonderful things he has shared with me about gratitude, remaining graceful when life is difficult, what it means to be a man, and how to love without being selfish, unconditionally, as he always did. His ability to do all of these things with a phenomenally wonderful sense of humor, always appropriate for the company, and with timing that even the best would find difficult to choreograph, made his gifts seem effortless. All the while his honesty with those closest to him gave us insight into how much he had overcome as a self made man. I will miss the physical presence of my father tremendously, yet as he made clear, the love between him and I, as well as so many others, will never stop being exchanged. I am blessed and honored now, so much, with knowing that when it's comes to being his son, I could not have selected a man more equipped. As a mentor, the most esteemed professor would hardly compare. Our lifelong friendship could not have been more loyal, filled with shared experience, and equal as men if I searched the world over a thousand times. Thank you for the unconditional love, the patience to guide me, the wisdom of knowing when to act and when to be silent, and the freedom to learn these lessons in my own time. I love you.

Published January 4th, 2024

Carol Wright

I have deep gratitude for my time on this planet with Marc. He was funny and warm, loving and courageous. He stood up for the underdog in all that he did. He had an abiding love and respect for indigenous people. Most importantly, he loved my dear friend, Denese, deeply. They shared a life many of us only dream of. Blessings, Marc, as you journey over the big blue waters of the next life.

Published January 4th, 2024

Paula Ripke

Marc really helped me re-enter the work world after my absence and did it with such humor and compassion, it left a real impact on my future and the prism that I see my work world through. His humor had much more impact and I loved knowing that he was there to add a witticism or snarky observation. I'm glad we kept in touch after and most of our correspondence was about our kids - such love, pride and dedication! You will be so missed

Published January 4th, 2024


I always appreciated your wonderful sense of humor and ability to bring discussions back down to reality. It was a pleasure to know you.

Published January 4th, 2024


Marc- I will miss you deeply. Your compassion, wisdom and humor were of the rarest and most special kind. Thank you for sharing these gifts with us all. Wishing you peace.

Published January 4th, 2024

Roberta Garcia

Eres como el arbusto que nunca deja de crecer. Tras el frio, la lluvia y sol siempre dejaste ver tus colores amables que ayudan a hacer la vida siquiera un poco más placentera. Gracias Marc You are like the evergreen that never stops growing. Through cold, rain and sun always letting other see your gentle colors; that helped to make life at least a little more pleasant. Thank you Marc

Published January 4th, 2024


Marc your gentle soul may you continue to shine in the hearts of those you loved and shared life with.

Published January 4th, 2024

Lynnea Navarro

Marc was such a wonderful soul!

Published January 4th, 2024

Nancy Milligan

Marc- your gentle, caring soul will be missed tremendously. You touched so many lives in a profound way. Rest well dear soul.

Published January 4th, 2024

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