Michael Prescott
1948-2024 -
Stella Lita
1938-2024 -
Ines Hasselbeck
1994-2024 -
Judith Jones
1943-2024 -
Patricia "Trish" Ormsbee
1948-2024 -
Marivic Hantid
1960-2024 -
1948-2024 -
Annegret Hierschbiel
1932-2024 -
Betty Whipps
1920-2024 -
Suzan Dent
1945-2024 -
Terry Schandel
1946-2024 -
Lisa Appert
1964-2024 -
Rudy Gerungan
1940-2024 -
Bruce Kieser
1943-2024 -
Barbara Mills
1931-2023 -
Michael "Toe" Ditterline
1976-2023 -
June Bennett
1928-2023 -
Carly "Bobby" Ferguson
1944-2023 -
Roy Grimaldi
1926-2023 -
Caroline Conner
1934-2023 -
Connie Emmons
1953-2023 -
Samuel Campos
1997-2023 -
Marion Maxwell
1937-2023 -
Mary Ratcliff
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