Eleanore Ward
1936-2024 -
Michelle Mineart
1960-2024 -
James Ange
1962-2024 -
Thomas Butler
1947-2024 -
Louise Greisen
1927-2024 -
Shirley Freng
1928-2024 -
Lois Kussman
1927-2024 -
John Bissett
1961-2024 -
John "Jack" Haase
1924-2024 -
Betty Cruden
1933-2024 -
Marion Colvin
1940-2024 -
Bonnie Strother
1948-2024 -
Raymond Amador
1958-2024 -
Hong Brooks
1967-2024 -
Raymond Olsen
1927-2024 -
Loretta Dixon
1931-2024 -
Gretchen Stewart
1938-2024 -
Sharon Cyr
1943-2024 -
Maria "Sina" Chilelli
1934-2024 -
Edward Lockner
1943-2024 -
Arlene Barley
1931-2024 -
Michael Patneaude
1941-2024 -
Roberta McLean
1937-2024 -
Martin Dykes
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