Ann Mulcair
1946-2024 -
Patricia "Poppy" McDonald
1938-2024 -
Edith Alexander
1939-2024 -
Susan Shaffer
1950-2024 -
Virgnia "Jean" Warner
1939-2024 -
Virginia "Ginny" McEachern
1942-2024 -
Robert "Bob" Plough
1940-2024 -
Robert Moses
1939-2024 -
Carl Askins
1933-2024 -
Ward Kaiser
1923-2024 -
Donald Kazi
1933-2024 -
Cecilia "Ceil" Mallgraf
1936-2024 -
Ellen O'Donnell
1943-2024 -
Edward Warrington
1938-2024 -
Kathleen "Kathy" Brink
1946-2024 -
Barbara Burgess
1946-2024 -
Richard Sheubrooks, Jr.
1970-2024 -
Rachel Gordon
1943-2024 -
William Wilson
1936-2024 -
Dolores Gentry
1948-2024 -
Doris Stoner
1937-2024 -
Christina Mitas
1948-2024 -
Kevin Cortese
1957-2024 -
Dorothy "Dottie" Hilsheimer
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