Dennis Karlzen
1938-2024 -
Harry "Skip" Jacks
1949-2024 -
Bertha Westberry
1922-2024 -
Trevor Cook
1936-2024 -
Gloria Tallman
1931-2024 -
Richard Kermode
1945-2024 -
Patricia Hallett
1942-2024 -
Russell North
1929-2024 -
Jeannie Lipscomb
1961-2024 -
Eva Rodriguez
1930-2024 -
Jean Parker
1929-2024 -
Sigurd Hagan
1944-2024 -
Mary Boyer
1946-2024 -
Dora Rieger
1947-2024 -
James Simmons
1938-2024 -
John Manson
1927-2024 -
Lawrence "Larry" Eichert
1940-2024 -
Michael Keane
1949-2024 -
Harvey Hayden Sr.
1937-2024 -
Joyce Chewning
1940-2024 -
Kelly Charles Moore Billeris (Calliope Cosmas Margaritis Billeris)
1923-2024 -
Troy "TK" Dodd
1964-2024 -
Ann Crawford
1933-2024 -
Maureen Morris
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