Pauline Winegar
1930-2024 -
Roy Tipton
1938-2024 -
Lonnie Odom
1931-2024 -
Susan Palmer
1948-2024 -
Jo Mitchell
1936-2024 -
Dr. Ted Germroth
1952-2024 -
Shirley Crawford
1940-2024 -
Carl Grigsby
1942-2024 -
Larry Keith
1951-2024 -
June Vaughn
1932-2024 -
William Danna
1930-2024 -
Charles Martin
1940-2024 -
Charles Roberts
1951-2024 -
Lowell Head
1951-2024 -
Patricia Horne
1944-2024 -
Annette Killebrew
1934-2024 -
Bonnie Eaton
1936-2024 -
Erika McKenzie
1952-2024 -
Richard Bellamy
1958-2024 -
Bobbye Helton
1931-2024 -
John Ford
1941-2024 -
James Cromer
1936-2024 -
Versie Osborne
1928-2024 -
Virginia Houchins
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