Gust Foth
1941-2024 -
Martha "Sandy" McKenney
1937-2024 -
Irene Bradley
1932-2024 -
Kathryn "Kay" Foth
1942-2024 -
Geraldine (Sweetser) Graham
1929-2024 -
Alyce Unrein
1925-2024 -
Dean Laabs
1958-2024 -
Marjorie Scarpino
1947-2024 -
Adelle Almli
1967-2024 -
Richard Rial
1947-2024 -
Douglas Colbert (Jefferson)
1942-2024 -
Jack Logie
1934-2024 -
Max Sullivan
1938-2024 -
Sheryl "Sherrie" Hoot (Larson)
1949-2024 -
Mildred (Brackett) Markoff
1943-2024 -
Brian Maki
1949-2024 -
Jesse Garcia
1956-2024 -
Charlotte Sass
1942-2024 -
Lyle Haugen
1927-2024 -
William Charles "Skip" Boettcher
1951-2024 -
Steven Beu
1963-2024 -
Bonita Marchant Wegner
1944-2024 -
William Jewell
1947-2024 -
Bonnie Steeves
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