Richard "Rick" Young
1948-2024 -
Louise Lair
1936-2024 -
Thomas Dushane
1949-2024 -
Bruce Mrha
1934-2024 -
Arthur "Ed" Leonard
1939-2024 -
Melissa Oliver Gallup
1969-2024 -
Richard Logan
1947-2024 -
Charlotte Newkirk
1932-2024 -
Kenneth "Ken" Noeltner
1927-2024 -
Herman Brooks
1936-2024 -
Allan Gallagher
1957-2024 -
John Robitzek
1943-2024 -
Elizabeth "Betty" Moran
1926-2024 -
Robert Ambrosino
1946-2024 -
Francis Durrin, Sr.
1954-2024 -
Frances Blowers
1935-2024 -
Gerald Soucia
1944-2024 -
Martha Mongato
1934-2024 -
Donald Smith, Jr.
1958-2024 -
Jane Sweet
1930-2024 -
Carol Coon
1936-2024 -
Roberto Hernandez Ramos
1949-2024 -
Scott Hayes
1965-2024 -
Kim Hayes
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