Irene Heiliger
1923-2024 -
Lloyd Worden
1942-2024 -
Will Ensslin
1947-2024 -
Gregory "Greg" Schroeder
1957-2024 -
Betty Viola
1928-2024 -
Raymond Miles
1928-2024 -
Jessie Foat
1922-2024 -
James Trier
1934-2024 -
Nancy Cooper
1936-2024 -
Connie Sukowski
1946-2024 -
Janine Weiss
1930-2024 -
Susan Stuckey
1969-2024 -
Lisa Darr
1964-2024 -
Edward "Ed" Birk
1938-2024 -
Juan Rodriguez
1967-2024 -
Marilyn Smith
1932-2024 -
Lorraine Hilleshiem
1929-2024 -
Joan Rich
1930-2024 -
Patience Blums
1999-2024 -
Margaret Paull
1955-2024 -
Louis "Lou" Yanz
1937-2024 -
Betty Smillie
1933-2024 -
Angelo Pettolino, Jr.
1941-2024 -
John Hanekamp
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