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Tony Waites

December 11th, 1955 - March 29th, 2017

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TONY WAITES BY PAMELA WAITES I was 14 when I first met Tony. We lived very close to one another, me on the 20th floor of a tower block and Tony in a house on the same estate. Tony was outside mending his car when I walked past and he smiled at me. I think I was smitten from the off as because my sister lived close by, I would be forever popping over to see her just so as I could walk past Tony and say hi. We got together quite quickly and married in May 1975. We shared our first home in a small one bedroom flat and bought our first house together a year later. This was the pattern of our life together. We worked together, drove to and from work together and shared our life together. In 1979 we took our first trip to California America. Our first ever fly drive holiday and we didn't have a clue! How scary was that first night trying to find our hotel in the dark, I just wanted to come home but Tony insisted it would all be ok and of course, he was right. There started our love of America and thereon in, we holidayed every year in some part of America and eventually, bought our first holiday home in Florida. We came back every chance we could get and eventually made the decision to move permanently to the United States in 2002 to begin our American dream. It is heartbreaking that he has been taken from me so soon but I am happy that we spend 42 wonderful years together and know that our love will continue. He was my friend, husband, my life. Message from John Jarrett and family: Tony was a lovely human being. Fun, warm, generous and dearly loved by all of us. We will all miss him. It is hard to understand how quickly Tony deteriorated, but we are glad that we spent some time with him last week. Over the years, we have shared some great times together and these far outweigh the sad times and even though in reality we haven't spent a lot of time together, the experiences we have shared together are enough to fill a lifetime and we will never forget them. Message from Johnny Player Friend, pal, mate, mucker. He was something to everyone and he lived the American dream from motor boats (a few), jet skis (5), cars (countless), trucks (too many to remember) R.V. (say no more) and not forgetting the motor bike. Then there was the specialist cars, Jags, Porche and some names I cannot remember. How did he get all these things: Well, this was his favorite saying "Pam I've wanted one of them all my life. I didn't have anything when I was little" and of course, Pam said No! but this only lasted about three to four weeks. One of his best sayings was "Is it fully loaded and will it take a bit of chrome". Everyone was welcomed on the boats and jet skis and he loved it when people were enjoying themselves. I could go on and on about what a great bloke he was but it all boils down to "he was my mucker". Message from Jacqui My uncle Tony: I must have been very young when Pam and Tony got together because I never remember a time when Tony wasn't in my life. He was just the most amazing wonderful generous man and the biggest wind up ever. I never was quite sure when he was winding us up. The only way of knowing was to look at Pam's face. She would always shake her head or smile to give it away and he would always say "Oh Pamela". He would wind everyone up, but I am sure my dad thought he was the only one Tony would do it too. Uncle Tony was so wonderful, I even decided to name my son after him in the hope that his namesake would rub off and he would be just like him. My son is quite a gentle giant like uncle tony but doesn't do wind ups quite like him, which I suppose is a good thing really. Tony always made time for everyone and my son Tony will never forget his times with uncle Tony. Uncle Tony did have a serious side too although I didn't see that often. We did have a few conversations about my love life and he would tell me how it was their loss and tell me all the things I had going for me. You know the kind of things, the things a biased uncle would say! I will miss him terribly. I don't think there will ever come a time when I say the name Pam that I won't then think Tony. Pam and Tony were always together and you very rarely just said one of their names in conversations, it was always both. I suppose I never thought of Pam and Tony as a couple it was more like they were of one, if that makes sense. He will be missed so very much and never forgotten. He is engraved on my heart. I even have my name tattooed on my back which he can share with my son as I'm not going through the pain again! Message from Tracey Tony. I'll start by apologizing because you probably didn't realize when you met Pam that I came as part of the package! Thank you for teaching me to swim at the beach when I was little. Thank you for all the fun days out we had. Thank you for teaching me to drive, even when it all got a bit close for comfort. Thank you for shopping for cars with me and for all the hours you spent fixing those cars. I blame you for the reason I eat so fast. My food was never safe with you about. Thank you for walking me down the aisle on my wedding day. You probably thought I was now somebody else's problem. No chance! Thank you for letting me come along on Christmas Eve when we would rush out to buy millions of presents for Pam. Thank you for pulling me under the table by my leg when the waitress was taking my order in a restaurant. And thank you for always blowing the money across the table when we were trying to pay the bill in a restaurant. I could go on and on but thank you for being my Brother in Law. You certainly went above and beyond the job description. It will be a quieter place without you. Message from Danny The greatest Uncle My earliest memories of my Uncle Tony The first thing that comes to mind is: The Four Tops, standing in the shadow of love blasting out of Tony's bedroom that he had painted completely black with gloss paint. Every memory that I have is filled with such positivity, energy and laughter. There are so many memories it is hard to pinpoint just one but I knew that I was loved from the minute I arrived. I tormented my uncle and must have drove him mad with my antics but he never lost patience although it wasn't all plain sailing. He was the biggest torment and would make up stories to get me at it and I will never forget the pain of his Chinese burns. On Christmas morning, he would arrive with bags and bags of toys and that was the same on birthdays, Easter and any time that I was with him. I was truly loved and spoilt by this great man. This great man brought so much happiness to his family - Mum, Dad, Sister & Prince the dog and was loved so much. When he used to come home for lunch or pop in on a Saturday morning it was like the messiah had arrived! I could go on and on but all I can say is I was blessed to have this great & lovely man as my Uncle and every memory I have of Tony is filled with such warmth & love. Good night Uncle Tony & look forward to seeing you again one day. Message from Ellie & Mark Tony was larger than life. He was unique. He was strong, loud, lively and at times annoying! We will never forget flippy poos' on the bed. The last day of every holiday was always the highlight when Tony made an appearance in the pool with a Shamu' worthy entrance. He was the most generous, caring, fun-loving person. You couldn't wish for a better Uncle and Brother-in-Law. We will miss you and always remember you Uncle Toe Toe. Message from Brenda Tony - you were like my kid brother. Memories of you are filled with fun, laughter and exasperation as once again you had successfully managed to wind me up. You were always fun to be around and a more kind, generous, caring, loving guy it would be hard to meet. We love you and Amrik and I are going to miss you enormously. Always in our hearts. SPOONS! (Please say this in a louder voice. Tony and family members will understand) Message from Paul It is times like this that I feel every one of the many miles I am from family in England. Tony was and will always be so large in my memory. He was a bear of a man with kindness and a terrific sense of fun at his heart. When I shook his hand every one of my bones would crack and I would laugh and join in the joy of meeting him and the ready friendship he offered. He is always remembered as smiling and warm and with a ready sense of fun. Tony and Pam's relationship was and will always be a model of how to be with someone who is your love and friend. Making the most of every moment. Tony is one of the few people you meet in life who brings joy to the world and those around them. I and my family hold the memory of his joy in every thought of him. At this time we send Pam our love and thoughts. Tony is ever part of us. Message from Roy "Tony is the type of uncle that any child growing up would want and as an adult made us feel like we've got the best friend that we could ever wish for. You can't think of him without the word 'Fun' coming to mind. He was so warm, generous of spirit and so full of positive energy to be around that He always left you feeling happy. He is also an inspiration because of the fantastic couple that he and Pam are being completely devoted to each other, the closest of friends and so complete as soul mates that they set the standard for us to aspire to in our relationships." Danny Robinson Well Uncle Tony, what can I say that hasn't already been said so lovingly? Reading everyone's memories has proven one thing to me, something we all knew in our hearts, Tony was the real deal, a truly magnificent person who's kindness, generosity, sense of humour and love just shone through. As everyone has already said, Pam and Tony were a package, and even though we lived so far away from them, they always came up to see us when I was a kid and everytime they did, it seemed Pam had given into Tony again and they'd turn up in yet another new car! Even though I spent every moment I could with my dad in trucks, I always said that if we'd lived nearer to Pam and Tony, I would have been round their house every moment possible, messing with motor's, having fun and generally getting under Tony's feet!! Unfortunately that was never meant to be due to the 120 miles between us. Like everyone else, I have so many special memories of this unique man and can't think where to start? But let's just say, Pam and Tony's relationship and love made me see the light, what a wonderful bond they had. The time I spent with them in Florida, especially, meant the absolute world to me. Thank you to both of you for being so kind and generous, it will never be forgotten. I'd just like to finish by saying a big thank you Pam for bringing such an amazing man into our lives. Never forget we are all here for you and that will never change. Night night Uncle Tony; life will be a much duller place without you that's for sure..... Sarah & Dex Robinson From the minute I met Tony it was apparent that I was meeting a truly unique person. Constantly laughing and full of fun. A practical joke was always around the corner. You couldn't help but feel happy around him. I first met Tony in 2006 when I started seeing his nephew Danny (Robinson). From the moment I stepped off the plane in Florida it was a rollercoaster of giggles. He belly-laughed when I kept saying "Oh my god" at over-exaggerated American "things". Trucks, cars, food portions!! What a truly lovely, genuine person Tony was. When Dan & I had Dex in 2008, Pam & Tony were one of the first people to meet him. What a fun-loving, cheeky Great Uncle he became. Thank you for the memories Tony. It hasn't quite sunk in that you're no longer with us. Always loved, forever missed. Christine & Lisa Robinson I will remember Tony as being very kind and generous. He was the type of person that when you met him for the first time you liked him instantly and that's unique. His enthusiasm for life shone through. He was always happy and was ready for a good laugh especially with Barry; they got on so well, both of them a pair of jokers! Tony will never be forgotten by me and now when I think of Barry I will be thinking of Tony as well. The two of them together now.

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