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Memorial Keepers (1)
Hankins & Whittington Funeral Home
Chih Chi ""Duck"" Yang
April 5th, 1949 - February 2nd, 2019
Chih Chi Yang of Charlotte, North Carolina, aged 69, passed away peacefully on Saturday afternoon, February 2, 2019 at Carolinas Medical Center, of complications following a stroke. He was in the loving presence of his family and loved ones. Affectionately known as “Duck,” Chih Chi was born on April 5, 1949 in Urumqi, China. While still a newborn, his family travelled though a warzone following the Chinese Civil War to relocate in Taiwan, where he grew up. Chih Chi was always attracted to mechanical engineering, which was his specialty when he graduated from the China Maritime College. The time he spent operating merchant marine vessels allowed him to see the world. In later life, to honor his father’s career issuing stamps for the Republic of China, Duck became a philatelist. Duck was known for his youthful exuberance and selfless devotion to the happiness and well-being of his friends and family. The greatest joy of his life was his wife, Qin Wang, with whom he had just celebrated their tenth anniversary. They shared a love for travel and music – especially love songs - and nothing brought him more happiness than making her smile and laugh. Chih Chi made a career out of running massive structures, from cargo ships to hotels and multi-use commercial facilities. But his greatest work was having raised his son, Jesse. Duck always tried to instill the best of himself in his son, and visits or updates from Jesse caused his heart to swell. Seeing his son grow up to exceed his highest expectations gave him an overwhelming sense of pride. He is survived by his wife, Qin Wang; his son, Jesse Yang; his sisters, Shirley Sherwood, Chih Tai Yang, and Ping Yang; and his brothers David C. H. Yang and King Yang. “Uncle Duck” is also survived by many beloved nieces and nephews A celebration of Duck’s life will be held on Tuesday, February 5 at 10:00 AM at Hankins & Whittington, 1111 East Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28203 with a short service to follow. 楊志齊 楊志齊居住於美國北卡羅來納州夏洛特市,2019年2月2日(星期六)下午在卡羅來納醫療中心因中風後出現並發症,在深愛的妻子,兒子和親愛的家人環繞中平靜地離去。享年69歲。 齊齊暱稱“鴨子”,於1949年4月5日生於中國新疆烏魯木齊市。他還是嬰兒時,他的家庭為躲避戰火移居台灣,在那里長大。齊齊一向喜歡機械工程,在中國海事專科學院畢業後這成了他的專長,此後他從事海運和酒店行業,以及大規模商業設施建設事業。在他從事海洋運輸工作那些年,他環遊世界,這使他具有環球視野。此外在生活中,他繼承父親在中華民國創立的集郵事業,成為一個集郵家。 齊齊一向充滿活力,對親人朋友無私奉獻。他生命中最快樂的時光是與妻子王芩牽手,他們剛剛度過了結婚10週年紀念日。在他們牽手的歲月中,他們盡享了人生的美好,而最無與倫比的是他給與了妻子不盡的歡笑。 齊齊育有一子世康(傑西),他像傳統的中國父親一樣,總是把最好的一切給與兒子。每次見到已長大成人的孩子,他總是快樂無比,而最讓他自豪的是,世康非常優秀且品德美好,遠遠超出他的預期,對他來說,世康是他人生最大的成就。 倖存者妻子王芩,兒子楊世康,姐姐楊志寧,哥哥楊志慶,楊志新,妹妹楊志台,楊志平以及鴨子叔叔心愛的侄子侄女們 齊齊的葬禮將於2月5日(星期二)上午10時,在Hankins & Whittington. 1111 East Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28203 舉行。
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Hankins & Whittington Funeral Home
At Hankins & Whittington Funeral Service, nestled in the historic heart of Dilworth, we have provided families in the Charlotte area with customizable memorial services for many years. Our services are crafted to honor your loved ones in ways that are both deeply meaningful and healing. Our rich history began in 1946 when Irvin W. Hankins and James B. Whittington took the reins of the Crouch Funeral Home. The growth of our service and the community's support led to our move in March 1963 to the current location—once St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, built in 1930. Our chapel, a cherished historic landmark within the storied Dilworth neighborhood, is renowned for being the only funeral home in Charlotte graced with its own chapel, echoing with decades of history and serenity....
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