Dewey "Jack" Brewer, Jr.
1934-2024 -
Gloria "Punkin" Friday
1959-2024 -
Lorraine Veto
1926-2024 -
Linda Jones
1951-2024 -
Carolyn Rackley
1950-2024 -
Sheila Stewart
1946-2024 -
Jimmy Merritt
1946-2024 -
Jonathan Yates
1949-2024 -
Darlene Stafford
1928-2024 -
Elizabeth Reilly
1942-2024 -
Ivan Zender
1957-2024 -
Mark Winstead
1974-2024 -
Clinton Melton
1952-2024 -
Wilma Coley
1940-2024 -
Helen Wilson
1936-2024 -
Mamie Edwards
1942-2024 -
Archie Stewart
1939-2024 -
Tammy Smothers
1964-2024 -
Nancy Miles
1950-2024 -
Richard Hedgecock
1944-2024 -
Dorothy Morris
1939-2024 -
Paula Tuttle
1962-2024 -
Oscar Swaim, Jr.
1940-2024 -
Joan Wood
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